This doesn’t really matter, however, as your airspawn means that you’ll always be above everyone else on the enemy team, except for spaded Ta-152s and Japanese planes if you get max-uptiered and/or New Guinea. With the current airspawn it gets, the excellent climb it has up until 7K (P-47M/P-51D-30 will start out-climbing you by 6K) where your climb rate is merely average. It’s essentially two P-51Hs strapped together, and is one of the fastest planes in the game. An overall solid choice for a talisman.į-82E: I cannot emphasize how good this plane is at 5.0 BR. Furthermore, now that the overheating has been alleviated, the 51D-30 has great battle endurance, save for the somewhat limited ammo on the 6x50cal machine guns. Not an –out-and-out energy fighter for the vertical, this nevertheless can energy fight cautiously in disciplined hands. If you do, you will reap the benefits that the excellent climb, godly dive ability, and fantastic level-flight speed at all altitudes award you. The epitome of a boom and zoom plane, you need to be disciplined to fly this and get good results. In other words, this is an American prop that can climb amazingly well – even better than either of the P-38s. Its engine settings are that of the post-war F-51s, running on 75” mercury. P-51D-30: At 4.7 BR, this is nothing short of an absolute monster. The 38J is arguably the better grinder due to its ludicrously low BR, but the 38L is still extremely competent, and the harder opposition can be a fun challenge. In the end, either of these planes are worth tali’ing if you really like P-38s. The excellent centerline armament is both reliable, and hard hitting with the added versatility of being able to pop light pillboxes (albeit not effectively due to the limited 20mm ammo count). To offset this, however, it has boosted ailerons that make it roll like a champ, allowing you to maintain an easy firing solution on anything that you can latch on, save 190 Antons perhaps, which can outroll you at medium speeds. The P-38L, in comparison, still has all the positive characteristics of the J’s speed, climb, and energy retention but at a higher BR of 4.7. However, at 4.0, this isn’t much of a problem due to the slower pace of combat. The downside? You don’t have boosted ailerons, so the high-speed compression during dives is pretty bad. You get the same engine power as the 38L, but actually climb better with a slightly higher top speed than it. In the case of the P-38J, you have an extremely generous BR of 4.0. P-38J/L: Both of these are absolutely fantastic energy fighters that climb well and have decent speed with excellent energy retention – meaning that they can hold their own in a dogfight with most single engine fighters (use common sense here, you’re not going to win a low-speed dogfight with a Merlin Spitfire or any Zero). I’ll also be doing these RB Air guides for all the other nations in-game, so look out for those in the upcoming days. While I will never condone ground attacking as a method of grinding, it undeniably yields impressive results, so I will include a small note about ground attackers/bombers in this post. Please note that this post is aimed at those who want to grind using fighters – I am a firm believer of using fighters to grind to jets, as it teaches you proper ACM, good habits, and you’re generally not a hindrance to your team 9/10 times.

This post is an attempt to provide a definitive, comprehensive guide for buying premiums and talismans, and will hopefully answer many questions that I’ve seen around here recently. With the anniversary sale coming up, I’ve been noticing that many folks around here have questions about what Tier 4 planes are the best grinders, both in regards to premium vehicles and placing talismans on vehicles present in the regular tech tree. War Thunder Best Tier 4 Grinders Guide by Falcolumbarius